Hello, I must be going
I cannot stay, I came to say, "I must be going"
I'm glad I came but just the same
I must be going!
As Groucho Marx sang in 1930, WINSTON LAW OFFICE, your full service real property law office must be going. Founded in 1994, some 30 years ago, it’s time for the final curtain call.
Minnesota Real Estate Consulting Services LLC
which we founded in 2014 will continue to provide consulting services with respect to your real estate transactions. You can find us at MN-Realty.com.
We thank you for your loyalty and patronage over the years. We could not be more thankful for the professional relationship we have enjoyed over the years.
It has been a fun ride.
Winston Law Office
120 Holly Lane North
Plymouth, MN 55447
Tel: 612-597-6660